Call or email, we're glad to answer your questions anytime!

Reservations can be made by phone 443-370-2394 or online.

Ask about custom gift certificates and special packages for whatever you need.

Laurel Grove Inn

Booking Terms

These booking terms ('Booking Terms') are between the person or legal entity making a Booking ('You/Your') on our reservation site (‘the Website’) and the accommodation provider operating the Establishment displayed in your online reservation Confirmation, and stipulated in Your Confirmation email ('Booking Confirmation') ('We, Us, Our'). These Booking Terms are governed by Maryland law and apply to all Bookings.

By making a Booking You are deemed to accept, and be bound by these Booking Terms. To make a Booking, You must be over 18 years of age and able to enter into a legally binding contract.

We can create custom gift certificates and special packages for whatever you need.

Call or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll be glad to work with you.